Something is wrong with the Setup screen, such as the settings screen is blank.

If you experience any problems, such as checkboxes disappearing in the settings screen, it is likely that the JavaScript cache is having an adverse effect. Please refer to this person’s article for more details, and try force reload. For users of paid and free templates If you are using a paid or free template, the template creator may have done something to the JavaScript and CSS. A particularly common process is to hide the version information below, which is also a security measure for WordPress. When the above process takes place, the old information remains in the browser’s cache, […]

Google Analytics and QA Analytics values are significantly different.

Google Analytics and QA Analytics use different data collection methods, so while they approximate the number of visits, they are rarely an exact match. In many cases, QA Analytics has smaller values.(See “Difference between QA Analytics and Google Analytics” for detailed measurement specifications.) However, if the values are very different, the measurement may not be working properly. If the QA Analytics figures are low If the number of visits is very different, especially if the numbers on the QA Analytics side are low, there is often a flaw in the measurement, especially a JavaScript error. (If there is no smartphone […]


QA Heatmap Analyticsは、本日2/12をもってβ版から数えて一年になります。これまで開発を続けてこれたのも、QAをお使い頂いているみなさんのおかげです。ありがとうございます。 感謝を込めて、3/12までQA1周年ありがとうWキャンペーンを開催しています。ステッカーや有料プランのライセンスが当たります。 ライセンスは先着順となりますので、ご興味のある方はぜひお早めにエントリーお願いします^^。

Ver を公開しています。

QA Heatmap Analyticsのご愛顧ありがとうございます。 2月12日にVer1.1.0.0を公開しています。 * サイト統計情報 * QAフィルターの速度向上 * QAフィルターにて各項目のデータ数を表示 * 投稿一覧にアクセス状況を表示 こちらの記事に概要を記載していますが、今回は、1周年ということもあり、かなり大幅なパワーアップになっています。ぜひお試しください。

I accidentally deactivated my license. What happens now?

The following actions will take place when you deactivate the authentication, especially in the paid license. It is important to note that since you will be changing to the free mode, there will be various changes in the operation screen, but please be assured that there will be no effect on the measurement data or the data you have already saved. Major “Operation Screen Changes The “Get All Pages” checkbox in “Settings” will be removed. All page settings are removed from the heatmap measurement target (aggregation target) and changed to the same mode as the free version. The number of […]

Handling URL hashtags

In QA Analytics, URL hash tags are treated as separate URLs by default and are not included in the heatmap and various reports. Example) ‘’ ← Subject to aggregation‘’ ← Not subject to aggregation

Ver を公開しています。

QA Heatmap Analyticsのご愛顧ありがとうございます。 1月31日にVer1.0.6.1を公開しています。 * リプレイビューの大幅なパワーアップ * データの精度向上 * ヘルプページにデバッグ情報追加など ぜひお試しください。

It seems stuck at displaying 10% on Heatmap Manager screen.

It is possible that the heatmap data has not been correctly aggregated. Most likely, the “max_execution_time” set in ‘php.ini’ is too short and the aggregation process is not completed.Please set “max_execution_time” to at least 240 seconds.Each rental server has its own settings, so please see and contact your rental server for details. If there are any other problems with the server settings, the aggregation may not be completed properly.For details, please see “Notes on Installation“.