I got a cron error.

Depending on the rental server, there may be restrictions on the nighttime cron operation. In such the case, it is recommended to reduce the number of pages to be measured, so that the cron can finish its work faster. If the error does not get resolved even if you reduce the number of measurement pages significantly, the problem may be caused by a problem with the server environment. If you would like to report a problem to the development team, please contact us and report the problem anonymously.

I got a curl: SSL connect error on license activation.

This error is displayed when the encrypted communication with the activation server fails. It occurs when your rental server uses a vulnerable older generation encrypted communication module. As a countermeasure, please send information about the curl: SSL connect error to your rental server company, and update the encrypted communication module on the server side, as this often solves the problem.

The number of data will be zero.

There are five major possible causes. The first is a problem right after installation. In this case, the data count will be zero because the aggregation process has not yet taken place. Try to access it again in 24 hours. The second is when a JavaScript error occurs; if a JavaScript error occurs, you may not be able to measure correctly and data may not accumulate. This is especially true for the jQuery version. For more information on how to check if an error is occurring, please refer to How to figure out the cause of JavaScript or jQuery not […]

The number of data is less than I expected.

QA Analytics uses JavaScript and 1st-party-Cookie to try to collect as much data as possible. However, it does not match all the numbers with Google Analytics, for example, because it uses a different method of data acquisition than other tools. However, if you feel that the numbers are obviously wrong, for example, the number of data is only half, please check the following. Check to see if the corresponding article has been updated recently.When you update, the data is stored in the new version, so it looks like the data has been reduced. See if the number is close to […]

I have activated it, but the QA Analytics menu do not appear on the admin screen.

QA Analytics cannot be enabled because you do not have write permission for the file. Please refer to following URL Please check if you are getting the above error. If you get this error, it is possible that the server does not have permission to write to the directory. To deal with this, please grant write permission to the wp-content directory by the web server, and change FS_METHOD to direct or ftpext in wp-config.php. For more information about FS_METHOD, refer to this article and other useful articles. After granting the permissions, re-enable it.

How to exclude your own visit

QA Analytics does not measure access by users who are logged in, regardless of their WordPress user permissions. Therefore, if you wish to exclude yourself from visiting your site, log in to your WordPress first.

There are too many users in the last 30 minutes in the real-time view.

After installing QA Heatmap Analytics, you may find yourself in the following situation. Too many users for 30 minutes. Action data completed within 24 hours is not available. This phenomenon occurs when the aggregation program in cron is not running properly. If this phenomenon occurs, disabling and then enabling the plugin may solve the problem. Or you may have a mechanism in your wp-config.php to prevent cron from running. For example, the code define(‘DISABLE_WP_CRON’, true);. In this case, cron will not work, so remove this code itself or set DISABLE_WP_CRON to false. If the problem persists, please check this question/inquiry […]

I get a 504 error when activating the plugin.

QA Heatmap Analytics takes a little time during the initial installation process to build the Table in the DB and register search engines, etc. Some rental servers are set to have a short timeout for the connection to the administration screen, so you may get a 504 error and timeout. In this case, if you reload the page, you will find that the plugin has already been activated in most cases. If it has been activated, you can use it as is. If it is still disabled, please try to enable it again. If you still get 504 errors and […]

Processing URL parameters

QA Analytics considers URLs with different URL parameters as different pages. However, for some special URL parameters below, special processing is performed. What is determined to be a special URL parameter in QA Analytics: URL parameter Significance Processing ?s WordPress standard site search Store keywords and consider them as access to the ?s page. ?utm_xxx Google Analytics URL parameter The same determination as Google Analytics is used, and the access is considered to be to a page without the utm parameter. Only four parameters are considered: campaign (utm_campaign), source (utm_source), media (utm_medium), and term (utm_term). Other utm-related parameters are ignored. […]