Introduction (Starter Guide)

* This article was wrote when: Ver 2.0.7. This is a simple summary of what you may want to know.For more information, please refer to the respective manual articles. Where will the data be stored? The data will be stored on your server. Two areas are used to store data.(1) The database is used as a temporary storage location. (After a certain period of time, the old data will be deleted.)2) The plugin creates a folder in “wp_content” directory of your server and saves the data as a file.The storage period for the free version is limited to the previous […]

Data storage (location and period)

Where to store the data The data will be stored on your server. The following two areas are used for storage. (1) DatabaseThe plugin uses a database as a temporary storage location.After a certain period of time, the old ones are deleted. (2) In your “wp-content” directoryThe plugin creates a dedicated folder “qa-heatmap-analytics-data” and saves the daily data in file format in that folder.*Do not change the folder hierarchy, as this will be the data to refer to. Data storage period The data stored in the dedicated folder “qa-heatmap-analytics-data” will be handled:– In free version, the data prior to the […]

When I made the article “private” and then “public” again, it disappeared from the heatmap list.

In the “Heat Map Management” section, we use the “get_posts” function of WordPress to retrieve posts and display them in a list.Articles that have been made private are probably not listed because they could not be retrieved by “get_posts”. The list of articles in the heat map management is retrieved and updated every night.The next day, the article will appear in the article list again. The measurement itself is based on URLs, so the accessed data will be saved regardless of whether the article is published or not.Even if it is not listed (as long as the URL has not […]

If using “defer” to load jQuery

QA Analytics utilizes jQuery, which is registered with WordPress, for measurement.Therefore, you need to load the QA JS file after loading jQuery. If you have a “defer” in the script tag to load ‘jquery,’ this order will be affected.As a result, the measurement may not work properly, causing “no data” or “the heatmap does not show up even though the number of data is there”.In addition, it cannot be denied that JS errors may occur and affect other plugins. To avoid this, you will need to take one of the following actions. Do not add “defer” to ‘jquery’. Add QA […]

How to screen capture a vertical heatmap

I want to review the site with my team and clients while looking at the heatmap screen. We can talk while sharing the management screen if we are online, but we want to share offline. You can use a browser extension to screen capture the full vertical heatmap. Google Chrome Developer Tools” and “Microsoft Edge Web Capture” are available as methods to capture the entire vertical site page without using extensions, but this method cannot capture the full screen of the heatmap. If you search for “screen capture” or “screenshot” in the Chrome Web Store, you will find many extensions […]